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This page describes how to make the Android application you want with Mojitok Sticker SDK.


We introduce fundamentals of Mojitok Sticker SDK.

A app with Mojitok Sticker SDK can show the sticker to users by delivering the sticker ID and its path. A authorized user can request to show the target sticker by delivering the sticker ID.

Pre-built components

We introduce major components Mojitok Sticker SDK provides.


This is a view that can show and use the stickers curated or owned by user. in the keyboard area or the area desired by the developer.


This is a view that shows a sticker that matches the text entered by user.


Official Mojitok Sticker SDK is here.


Use Mojitok Sticker SDK and provide interesting image messages to your chatting app ! This guide has setup manuals, download, demo app of Mojitok Sticker SDK.


It needs the conditions below for Mojitok Sticker SDK.

Android Minimum API Level
21 (Android 5.0 - Lolipop) or higher

Despite some Android devices take appropriate Android OS version, they may have wrong actions. We have reports these devices have operated abnormally because of Coroutine issue on Android 5.0.

Install using Gradle

You can install UIKit for Android through Gradle. Begin by opening the root build.gradle file and add the code blocks below:

Project build gradle setting

Add maven to the repository of your project/build.gradle.

  • The value of deploy-token is a unique token provided to customers individually.


buildscript { // how to securely provide API keys Properties properties = new Properties() def propertiesFile = project.rootProject.file('') if (propertiesFile.exists()) { properties.load(propertiesFile.newDataInputStream()) } ext.gitLabDeployToken = properties.getProperty('gitLabDeployToken') repositories { google() mavenCentral() } ... } } allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven { // mojitok-ui-android project id = 20979087 url "" name "GitLab" credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) { name = 'Deploy-Token' value = gitLabDeployToken } authentication { header(HttpHeaderAuthentication) } } } }


sdk.dir=/Users/{Your-account-name}/Library/Android/sdk gitLabDeployToken={Unique-tokens-provided-for-each-company}


dependencies { ... implementation 'com.mojitok:mojitokuikit:1.2.3' ... }

Install using .aar file

First, it needs to take Mojitok Sticker SDK that is a .aar file. Locate it on proper sub-path of Android project directory. Normally, the libs sub-directory in target project module is a appropriate location.

Open bulid.gradle file of the target module and reconstruct its dependencies. Following example shows how to declare the dependency in the build.gradle file for Mojitok Sticker SDK.


You can access following features if the process above is completed.

  • com.mojitok.mojitokcore.Mojitok

  • com.mojitok.mojitokuikit.ui.MJTBaseFragment

  • com.mojitok.mojitokuikit.ui.MJTRTSFragment

  • com.mojitok.mojitokuikit.ui.loadMojitokSticker

If you want to find more information for build environment, follow next guide.


Install latest Mojitok Sticker SDK in the following link.

Demo App

The following link provides demo app and its source for Mojitok Sticker SDK.

This document is proprietary and confidential. No part of this document may be disclosed in any manner to a third party without the prior written consent of Platfarm Inc.